
Arenal Oasis (Geodesic Dome)

Butterfly Garden


1:30 Hours


Start Time
8am -10am -12pm -2pm




Live Guide
English, Spanish

Main info:

We have constructed the perfect butterfly garden so these marvelous insects are in a natural habitat. The Geodesic Dome is a structure that allows for greater use of the environment, saving sunlight energy for plants and their process of photosynthesis, as well as the production of flowers and fruits. 

The Dome is the largest in Costa Rica with a height of 14 meters and a diameter of 24 meters. The internal garden has a waterfall-shaped fountain and two streams that fall into a pool, where the water is filtered by aquatic plants, and then recycled. The paths within the dome are well marked with 4 small bridges and a small pool with colorful fish which also help maintain the ecosystem. There is a platform where you can go up to observe the butterflies and garden from above. 

In the canopy of plants and bushes, you can see the colorful butterflies fly around you, a magnificent view of the volcano and a view of the secondary forest of the Arenal Oasis nature reserve. At the bottom of the platform, you will find a structure with giant wings of the most beautiful Blue Morpho butterfly, the national symbol of Costa Rica.

 This place is perfect to take your photos for events, weddings, birthdays, social media and more. We also have a puparium where you can see the different colorful and striking shapes of the chrysalises, unique to each butterfly species. This is where the butterfly completes the cycle of metamorphosis, where it is born and dries its wings before beginning the journey as an adult, flying among the flowers and fruits.

This magnificent place also has outdoor gardens where you will see a great variety of flowering plants, host plants, fruit trees, medicinal plants, orchids, mushrooms, Mariola hives (stingless bees) and more.

We have a nursery area where butterflies reproduce and the complete cycle of the lepidoptera takes place.

You will be able to learn about these magnificent insects that are important pollinators and bio-indicators in the environment. Come and see this paradise, you can’t miss it!

Which includes a guided tour:

At the beginning of the tour, visitors will be greeted by our expert guide, who will provide a warm welcome. An overview of the butterfly farm will be given, explaining the importance of butterfly conservation and their role in the ecosystem. This introduction prepares participants for the immersive experience that awaits them.

In this section of the tour, we will explore the history of the butterfly farm and its evolution over time. We will talk about the founding of the site, the conservation efforts that have been made and how we have worked to create an ideal environment for butterflies. In addition, the cultural and ecological relevance of butterflies in Costa Rica will be discussed.

During this part of the tour, you will be introduced to the diversity of plants and animals that coexist in the butterfly garden. You will learn about the plant species that are crucial for butterfly feeding and reproduction, as well as other creatures that share this habitat, creating a balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

Fungi play a vital role in the ecosystem. In this segment, visitors will discover how fungi contribute to the decomposition of organic matter, maintaining soil health and helping plants grow. Additionally, it will be shown how some fungi have symbiotic relationships with certain species of plants and insects.

In our laboratory, visitors will have the opportunity to see the scientific work that goes on behind the scenes. Here we explain how butterflies are raised from their earliest stages, including egg collection, caterpillar care and chrysalis formation. The importance of research for butterfly conservation is also discussed.

The highlight of the tour is a visit to the Dome, an impressive enclosed space where butterflies fly freely. In this magical environment, visitors can observe these creatures up close in their natural habitat, surrounded by lush vegetation. It is a moment to marvel at the beauty and diversity of butterflies in a space carefully designed for their well-being.

In this section, the guide will explain in detail the life cycle of a butterfly, from egg to adult butterfly. The four key stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly will be illustrated, highlighting the fascinating adaptations and transformations that occur at each stage.

The tour will conclude with a time dedicated to capturing memories. Visitors will be able to take photos and videos to immortalize their experience at the butterfly house. Advice will be given on how to get the best shots without disturbing the butterflies or the environment.

*NOTE: This development ensures that each part of the tour is structured in an informative and engaging way, offering an educational and visually enriching experience for participants.

Knowledgeable Guide

Whats Included:

✓ Transportation Round Trip
✓ Certified Naturalist Guide
✓ Entrance Fee
✓ Snack and coffee for pm

What to Bring:

✓ Camera
✓ Big Smile

*NOTE: Previous reservation is required.

Official Rates:


  • Per person.
    With Transportation included from your hotel in La Fortuna, Arenal.
  • Per person.
    Arriving directly on your own transportation.
  • Per person.
    50% OFF
    Children between 6 years old and 12 years old.
*NOTE: Previous reservation is required.
  • Per person.
    Entrance Fee anytime between 7am - 4pm

*NOTE: Reservations are not required.

4 Daily Tour Between
8:00 am to 4:00 pm


Enquiry Form

  • Clear dates

Same day booking can be made up to one hour before the tour starts.

If you want more details please contact us on Whatsapp and we will be happy to help you.

Frequent Questions - Rules and Regulations

Dear Visitors,

In order to preserve the natural beauty and ensure a pleasant and safe experience for all, we ask that you follow the following rules during your visit to the Butterfly Dome:

This is to maintain a clean environment and to avoid attracting unwanted insects.

Chemical products can be harmful to butterflies and other species.

Allow the butterflies to interact with you naturally.

Flora is essential to the habitat of the butterflies and other species in the Dome.

This is to avoid accidents and not to disturb the butterflies.

This helps protect the plants and ensures your safety.

These fruits are food for butterflies.

The chrysalises are extremely fragile and any contact can damage them.

Please make sure that the younger ones respect the rules.

Capture the beauty of the Dome, but be sure not to disturb the butterflies or other visitors.

Maintain a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere so that everyone can enjoy the Dome.

Remember: Failure to abide by these rules may result in expulsion from the property.

Final note: When leaving, check that you do not have any butterflies on your clothes or belongings.

This format makes it easier to read and understand the rules, ensuring that all visitors can enjoy them safely and respectfully.

Butterfly Garden Tour

We are pleased to announce that we have been recognized for our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional guest experiences.

Arenal Oasis

Eco Lodge & Wildlife Refuge


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